Ayya Niyyānika will be away in Thailand and Korea until December 22nd so meal offerings are not currently needed.

To help cover the cost of lodgings and travel, the best way to send support is through Ayya Sucitta’s supporter’s account. Please use the contact form to request the banking information.

Useful Things

Current useful items are:

Financial Support

We rejoice in your financial contribution! Your support joins that of others in making monastic life possible in today’s world.

The QR codes and button below link to an account that is managed by volunteers who act as financial stewards. These stewards act on your behalf in seeing that Ayya Niyyānika (U.S. legal name: Michelle Raymond)and Ayya Suvijjanā are supported in their monastic life.

Zelle or a bank deposit are without fees.

or through PayPal

Your gift is deeply appreciated. Anumodana ~ we rejoice in your goodness!